RyokoTK’s game
February 9, 2017
4:00 am - 4:03 am

February 9, 2017 4:00 am - 4:03 am
 Level [XL] Hurting Other People
from Starlight by RyokoTK
Marathon Infinity
Total Carnage
 Game Type King of the Hill 
 Netscript Jumping_Hills 
 Ends At 3 min.
 Time 00:03:07 


Live Carnage Reporting
Dead Players Drop Items
Disable Motion Sensor
Penalize Dying (10 seconds)
Penalize Suicide (15 seconds)

Cheats / Extras

X Allow Zoom
X Allow Crosshairs
X Allow Overlay Map
X Allow Chase Cam
X Allow Carnage Messages