Game history

Level Details Play Date
  Bedknobs & Broomsticks 2 player EMFH 12:41 am - 12:48 am
  Celestial Planes 2 player EMFH 12:53 am - 12:55 am
  Beam Me Up! 3 player EMFH 12:58 am - 12:59 am
  GOLGOTHA 2 player EMFH 1:02 am - 1:08 am
  Thoowud 2 player EMFH 1:09 am - 1:15 am
  Illegitimi Non Carborundum 2 player EMFH 1:16 am - 1:22 am
  Route 66 (604 or better) 2 player EMFH 1:24 am - 1:30 am
  Conjecture 2 player EMFH 1:35 am - 1:41 am
  King of Pain 2 player EMFH 1:37 am - 1:45 am
  Stop and smell the napalm 2 player EMFH 1:43 am - 1:49 am
  Sands Serif (Good Looking) 2 player EMFH 1:46 am - 1:54 am
  Reason with the Sky (More Complex) 3 player EMFH 1:59 am - 2:07 am
  Grendel’s Happy Cookie 4 player EMFH 2:09 am - 2:17 am
  Ex Justicia Mortis 4 player EMFH 2:18 am - 2:26 am
  Listen, Germany! 4 player EMFH 2:28 am - 2:36 am
  Urine Pool 4 player EMFH 2:38 am - 2:46 am
  Corpus Swinus 3 player EMFH 2:50 am - 2:58 am
  House of Pain 2 player EMFH 3:00 am - 3:08 am
  House of Pain 2 player EMFH 7:05 am - 7:07 am