Game history

Level Details Play Date
  Flight of the Toolator 3 player EMFH 2:05 am - 2:10 am
  Cringe 4 player EMFH 2:11 am - 2:16 am
  ’Fugee Camp 4 player EMFH 2:17 am - 2:23 am
  Controlled by Gamma Light 5 player EMFH 2:24 am - 2:31 am
  Thrud 5 player EMFH 2:32 am - 2:38 am
  Shades 6 player EMFH 2:40 am - 2:46 am
  House of Luck 5 player EMFH 2:49 am - 2:54 am
  Migrane 5 player EMFH 2:57 am - 3:02 am
  Carnage Soccer 4 player EMFH 3:03 am - 3:05 am
  Corpus Swinus 4 player EMFH 3:07 am - 3:12 am
  Ex Justicia Mortis 4 player EMFH 3:13 am - 3:18 am
  Melatonin 4 player EMFH 3:20 am - 3:25 am
  Vulcan 4 player EMFH 3:27 am - 3:33 am
  Thick and Chunky 4 player EMFH 3:34 am - 3:40 am
  Everyone’s Mortal But Me 4 player EMFH 3:42 am - 3:47 am
  Desperate Measures 4 player EMFH 3:49 am - 3:54 am
  Delusions of Grandeur 4 player EMFH 3:55 am - 4:02 am
  Mars Needs Women 1 player EMFH 11:31 am - 11:32 am
  Route 66 2 player EMFH 8:27 pm - 8:32 pm
  Mars Needs Women 2 player EMFH 10:05 pm - 10:11 pm
  Waldo World Arena 2 player EMFH 10:11 pm - 10:17 pm
  Static:Fury 2 player EMFH 10:18 pm - 10:24 pm
  Thunderdome 2 player EMFH 10:58 pm - 11:01 pm
  Thunderdome 2 player EMFH 11:14 pm - 11:18 pm
  Waterloo Waterpark 3 player Co-op 11:24 pm - 11:28 pm
  House of Pain 4 player EMFH 11:29 pm - 11:39 pm
  Arrival 2 player Co-op 11:39 pm - 11:49 pm
  The Big House 3 player Co-op 11:43 pm - 11:45 pm
  Waterloo Waterpark 4 player Co-op 11:50 pm - 11:51 pm
  Arrival 2 player Co-op 11:50 pm - 12:04 am
  Waterloo Waterpark 4 player Co-op 11:54 pm - 11:58 pm