brilliant’s game history

Level Details Play Date
  Hemidodecahedral net 3 player EMFH 6:09 am - 6:13 am
  Initiation 2 player EMFH 6:18 am - 6:23 am
  Covert Discretion 2 player EMFH 6:24 am - 6:29 am
  [XS] Confederacy of Dunces 2 player EMFH 6:42 am - 6:46 am
  [XS] The Placid Casual 2 player EMFH 6:47 am - 6:51 am
  Hemidodecahedron Minimal Crossings 2 player EMFH 9:23 am - 9:27 am
  [S] Big Screen Satellite 3 player EMFH, Red Light 10:02 am - 10:06 am
  Hemidodecahedron Minimal Crossings 3 player EMFH, Red Light 10:10 am - 10:14 am