Sharkie Lino’s game history
Level | Details | Play Date | |
[M] Duality | 4 player EMFH | 12:03 am - 12:08 am | |
Jump Outta the JUICE | 5 player EMFH, JUICEreport | 12:10 am - 12:15 am | |
[M] Snake Charmer | 5 player EMFH | 12:18 am - 12:23 am | |
[L] Learning to Live | 4 player EMFH | 12:24 am - 12:29 am | |
[M] Wrath No More? | 4 player EMFH, Red Light | 12:31 am - 12:36 am | |
Everyone’s Mortal But Me | 3 player KOTH | 12:37 am - 12:42 am | |
[M] Slaughter In Effect | 5 player EMFH | 12:43 am - 12:48 am | |
[M] Vimma | 4 player EMFH | 12:50 am - 12:55 am | |
[M] Initiation | 5 player EMFH | 12:56 am - 1:01 am | |
[L] Captain Confidence | 6 player EMFH | 1:02 am - 1:07 am | |
[L] Hailing Boomer | 6 player KOTH, Red Light | 1:09 am - 1:14 am | |
[L] Water Sleepers | 6 player KOTH, Red Light | 1:15 am - 1:20 am | |
Ocean of Noise [L] | 6 player EMFH | 1:23 am - 1:28 am | |
Leek Hills [L] | 5 player EMFH | 1:29 am - 1:34 am | |
Over Fire Island [M] | 5 player EMFH | 1:36 am - 1:41 am | |
Ill Descent [L] | 5 player Last_Man_on_the_Hill_1.4 | 1:54 am - 1:59 am | |
[M] Nueces Showdown | 4 player EMFH | 2:03 am - 2:08 am | |
[M] The Pod | 4 player EMFH | 2:09 am - 2:14 am | |
[M] You're Gonna Die Big Time! | 4 player EMFH | 2:15 am - 2:20 am | |
[L] Sands Serif | 4 player EMFH, Red Light | 2:22 am - 2:27 am | |
[S] Polaris | 3 player KOTH, Red Light | 2:30 am - 2:35 am | |
Cesspi7 | 5 player EMFH, Embedded | 2:38 am - 2:43 am | |
[L] The King of Infinite Space | 5 player EMFH | 2:45 am - 2:50 am | |
[M] Minuet of Forest | 5 player EMFH | 2:53 am - 2:59 am | |
BLUE | 5 player Damage | 3:02 am - 3:07 am | |
YELLOW | 6 player Damage | 3:09 am - 3:14 am | |
[XL] SCB | 5 player EMFH | 3:19 am - 3:24 am | |
[L] La Cosa Nostra | 5 player Elimination_2.2 | 3:26 am - 3:30 am | |
[M] New Pacific | 4 player Elimination_2.2 | 3:33 am - 3:40 am | |
[XS] Last of the Wilds | 2 player EMFH | 3:44 am - 3:49 am |