August 2022

Most Popular Levels
Rank Level Time Games
1 Beyond Thunderdome 03:13:12 26
2 Duality 01:55:38 16
3 52 Pickup 00:42:18 14
4 House of Pain 01:04:09 12
5 [XL] The Filth Element 00:45:42 12
6 NEFX - Adamantine Brutalist Keys 00:30:36 11
7 NEFX - Riddle Box Machines of Explication 00:30:31 10
8 NEFX - Tripchallenge Elemental Claywring 00:26:30 9
9 NEFX - Honing Mechanica Into Ethereality 00:21:40 7
10 NEFX - Disintegrate Into the Eternal Fever Deathream 00:21:39 7
Top Gatherers
Rank Player Time Games
1 Master_Of_Ooj 11:50:03 106
2 Adminn_1 08:02:26 154
3 marathonishalo6 05:23:17 2
4 B3nT 04:18:49 36
5 THEBaratusII 01:28:36 11
-- 7 others 04:09:22 36
-- Guests 35:45:34 103
Time Played
Rank Player Time Games
1 Master_Of_Ooj 11:50:03 106
2 Adminn_1 09:18:54 163
3 Neo 06:44:40 102
4 marathonishalo6 05:23:17 2
5 B3nT 04:18:49 36
Game Type Breakdown
Game Type Play % Games
Every Man for Himself 61.2% 274
Cooperative Play 13.4% 60
Capture the Flag 0.0% 0
King of the Hill 1.6% 7
Kill the Man With the Ball 11.2% 50
Rugby 0.2% 1
Tag 1.1% 5
Netscript 11.4% 51
Number of Players Breakdown
# Players Play % Games
2 players 45.5% 204
3 players 33.3% 149
4 players 10.7% 48
5 players 6.0% 27
6 players 2.9% 13
7 players 0.7% 3
8 players 0.9% 4
Netscripts Breakdown
Rank Netscript Play % Games
1 none 78.3% 351
2 Survival 8.9% 40
3 Cheats 3.8% 17
4 Basic Co-op 1.2 2.9% 13
5 NEFX - Global Omnilode Onus - Th 2.0% 9
6 NEFX - Betrothing to the Forgott 1.3% 6
7 NEFX - Victory of Absurdist Bala 0.9% 4
8 Embedded 0.7% 3
9 Co-Op-2.2 0.4% 2
10 XBLA_Survival 0.2% 1
11 NEFX - Play Pretexts to New Awar 0.2% 1
12 NEFX - The Full Rounding of Age- 0.2% 1
Game Limit Breakdown
Limit Type Play % Games
Time Limit 79.5% 356
Score Limit 0.7% 3
Unlimited 19.9% 89