September 2024

Most Popular Levels
Rank Level Time Games
1 Duality 05:08:16 40
2 Beyond Thunderdome 02:39:56 23
3 Mars Needs Women 01:48:38 18
4 House of Pain 01:29:01 12
5 Mars Needs Women 01:22:07 10
6 Route 66 (604 or better) 01:09:28 9
7 Y.A.F.N.M. 01:09:22 9
8 Wrath No More? 01:08:16 8
9 Thunderdome 00:49:58 8
10 King of Pain 00:53:19 7
Top Gatherers
Rank Player Time Games
1 wernerf33 19:04:58 30
2 Popderp 03:54:21 6
3 EchelonX03 03:41:23 2
4 B3nT 03:11:58 24
5 quarkmac 03:05:02 11
-- 28 others 24:42:45 151
-- Guests 118:27:43 484
Time Played
Rank Player Time Games
1 wernerf33 19:04:58 30
2 Scrandina 05:49:02 64
3 Zunda 03:59:44 40
4 Popderp 03:54:21 6
5 EchelonX03 03:41:23 2
Game Type Breakdown
Game Type Play % Games
Every Man for Himself 50.1% 355
Cooperative Play 44.4% 314
Capture the Flag 0.0% 0
King of the Hill 2.8% 20
Kill the Man With the Ball 1.7% 12
Rugby 0.1% 1
Tag 0.6% 4
Netscript 0.3% 2
Number of Players Breakdown
# Players Play % Games
2 players 65.8% 466
3 players 16.4% 116
4 players 8.2% 58
5 players 4.7% 33
6 players 4.1% 29
7 players 0.7% 5
8 players 0.1% 1
Netscripts Breakdown
Rank Netscript Play % Games
1 none 84.5% 598
2 Basic Co-op 1.2 11.6% 82
3 Co-Op-2.3a 1.6% 11
4 Superscalar 1.4% 10
5 Embedded 0.3% 2
6 Co-Op-2.2 0.3% 2
7 Last_Man_on_the_Hill_1.4 0.1% 1
8 Newmap_Testing_Script 0.1% 1
9 Make_Somebody_Pay 0.1% 1
Game Limit Breakdown
Limit Type Play % Games
Time Limit 58.2% 412
Score Limit 5.4% 38
Unlimited 36.4% 258