October 2024

Most Popular Levels
Rank Level Time Games
1 Duality 02:28:08 22
2 Beyond Thunderdome 02:12:37 11
3 Mars Needs Women 01:26:18 11
4 Thunderdome 01:23:17 10
5 ’Fugee Camp 00:42:42 8
6 Arena 00:53:49 6
7 Corpus Swinus 00:29:58 6
8 Waldo World Arena 00:55:58 5
9 What Goes Up, Must Come Down 00:34:40 4
10 Shangri-La 00:32:05 4
Top Gatherers
Rank Player Time Games
1 wernerf33 07:34:35 33
2 B3nT 03:23:14 26
3 BansheeTK 02:38:44 6
4 Scrandina 02:29:07 34
5 Marathoner325 02:12:48 25
-- 15 others 12:38:50 85
-- Guests 64:07:21 354
Time Played
Rank Player Time Games
1 Thog 08:27:41 90
2 Marathoner325 08:16:11 90
3 wernerf33 07:34:35 33
4 Cynthia 05:37:37 12
5 Scrandina 05:10:02 62
Game Type Breakdown
Game Type Play % Games
Every Man for Himself 71.4% 402
Cooperative Play 26.6% 150
Capture the Flag 0.0% 0
King of the Hill 1.1% 6
Kill the Man With the Ball 0.2% 1
Rugby 0.0% 0
Tag 0.0% 0
Netscript 0.7% 4
Number of Players Breakdown
# Players Play % Games
2 players 50.6% 285
3 players 21.7% 122
4 players 18.3% 103
5 players 5.0% 28
6 players 3.6% 20
7 players 0.9% 5
8 players 0.0% 0
Netscripts Breakdown
Rank Netscript Play % Games
1 none 91.1% 513
2 Basic Co-op 1.2 2.7% 15
3 Marathon.mml 2.3% 13
4 Embedded 1.2% 7
5 Dead_or_Alive.LUA 0.9% 5
6 Damage 0.5% 3
7 Wanted.LUA 0.4% 2
8 Make_Somebody_Pay 0.4% 2
9 Fusionize 0.2% 1
10 Hell_Gauntlet_Deathmatch.LUA 0.2% 1
11 single_player_netgame 0.2% 1
Game Limit Breakdown
Limit Type Play % Games
Time Limit 74.1% 417
Score Limit 3.9% 22
Unlimited 22.0% 124