Game history
Level | Details | Play Date | |
[L] Iceburg | 4 player Survival 2.0 | 12:00 am - 12:14 am | |
A Whole Bunch of Squares! | 4 player EMFH | 12:15 am - 12:18 am | |
Into the Breach | 3 player Squadron Survival | 12:25 am - 12:29 am | |
[L] Dance of Pales | 2 player Squadron Survival | 12:33 am - 12:34 am | |
[L] Silver Boots | 5 player EMFH | 12:42 am - 12:46 am | |
Marathon Rocket Arena | 5 player EMFH | 12:47 am - 12:51 am | |
[XL] Y.A.F.N.M. | 4 player EMFH | 12:54 am - 12:58 am | |
[XS] Bullet Heck | 3 player EMFH | 2:22 am - 2:26 am | |
[M] Minuet of Forest | 4 player EMFH | 2:30 am - 2:34 am | |
One Big Sofa | 4 player KOTH | 2:35 am - 2:38 am | |
Dark Room | 3 player EMFH, playerEquipARG | 2:41 am - 2:43 am | |
The Tallest Map Ever | 4 player KOTH | 2:49 am - 2:52 am | |
[S] Hammerdown | 5 player EMFH, AR | 2:55 am - 2:57 am | |
[S] Monster Rain | 5 player EMFH, playerEquipShot | 2:59 am - 3:02 am | |
[M] Initiation | 5 player EMFH, playerEquipShot | 3:05 am - 3:08 am | |
Beyond Thunderdome | 5 player EMFH, playerEquipShot | 3:12 am - 3:15 am | |
Return to Waldo | 5 player EMFH, AR | 3:18 am - 3:21 am | |
Route 66 (604 or better) | 5 player EMFH, AR | 3:27 am - 3:29 am | |
King of Pain | 5 player EMFH, playerEquipShot | 3:31 am - 3:34 am | |
Carnage Soccer | 5 player EMFH | 3:35 am - 3:38 am | |
Waterloo Waterpark | 2 player Co-op | 3:40 am - 3:43 am | |
Waterloo Waterpark | 2 player Co-op | 3:45 am - 3:47 am | |
Upgraded Plant | 5 player CTF, Capture the Falg v1.0.3 | 3:46 am - 3:49 am | |
Waterloo Waterpark | 2 player Co-op | 3:51 am - 4:19 am | |
Telephasic Workshop | 5 player Rugby, Rugby v1.2 | 3:51 am - 3:57 am | |
[XL] Morrolan's Legacy | 6 player KOTH | 3:59 am - 4:03 am | |
[XL] The Last Outpost | 6 player KOTH | 4:05 am - 4:09 am | |
[XXL] Big Map | 6 player EMFH | 4:13 am - 4:17 am | |
[XL] The Filth Element | 5 player Elimination_2.2 | 4:19 am - 4:23 am | |
Waterloo Waterpark | 2 player Co-op | 4:22 am - 4:33 am | |
[L] A Clash of Kings | 6 player KOTH | 4:24 am - 4:27 am | |
Sands Serif (Fast) | 2 player EMFH, Marathon Infinity Recording | 4:25 am - 4:35 am | |
[XL] Hydro City | 5 player aquatestscript2 | 4:30 am - 4:34 am | |
Waterloo Waterpark | 2 player Co-op | 4:34 am - 4:45 am | |
[S] Metropolis Part I | 4 player EMFH | 4:35 am - 4:38 am | |
Duality | 2 player EMFH, Marathon Infinity Recording | 4:36 am - 4:46 am | |
[XS] Septic | 5 player EMFH | 4:39 am - 4:42 am | |
Deadly Water Polo | 4 player KTMWTB | 4:43 am - 4:46 am | |
Waterloo Waterpark | 2 player Co-op | 4:46 am - 4:58 am | |
[M] Perpetual Motion | 2 player EMFH, Marathon Infinity Recording | 4:47 am - 4:53 am | |
Silent Sister | 4 player EMFH | 4:50 am - 4:53 am | |
SPEC7RUM | 5 player EMFH | 4:54 am - 4:57 am | |
[XS] Hocus Pocus | 2 player EMFH, Marathon Infinity Recording | 4:54 am - 5:04 am | |
Waterloo Waterpark | 2 player Co-op | 4:59 am - 5:19 am | |
Mmm, Skyscraper | 6 player EMFH | 4:59 am - 5:02 am | |
[M] Preemptive Strike Redone | 5 player Elimination_2.2 | 5:04 am - 5:06 am | |
[XS] Fallout | 2 player EMFH, Marathon Infinity Recording | 5:06 am - 5:16 am | |
[M] Run Rabbit Run | 5 player Elimination_2.2 | 5:08 am - 5:10 am | |
[M] The Refuge | 4 player Tag | 5:15 am - 5:19 am | |
Controlled by Gamma Light | 2 player EMFH, Marathon Infinity Recording | 5:17 am - 5:27 am | |
[M] Silence | 2 player EMFH, Marathon Infinity Recording | 5:27 am - 5:30 am | |
Reason with the Sky - Fast | 2 player EMFH, Marathon Infinity Recording | 5:30 am - 5:40 am | |
[M] Tons of Fun | 4 player EMFH | 5:32 am - 5:36 am | |
The Hills [S] | 4 player EMFH | 5:37 am - 5:41 am | |
Sands Serif (Fast) | 2 player EMFH, Marathon Infinity Recording | 5:51 am - 5:55 am |