rockman057’s game history

Level Details Play Date
  Reason with the Sky (More Complex) 3 player EMFH 12:48 am - 12:56 am
  Sands Serif (Good Looking) 5 player EMFH 1:03 am - 1:11 am
  Corpus Swinus 6 player EMFH 1:13 am - 1:21 am
  Grendel’s Happy Cookie 7 player EMFH 1:24 am - 1:32 am
  King of Pain 6 player EMFH 1:35 am - 1:43 am
  Ex Justicia Mortis 6 player EMFH 1:44 am - 1:52 am
  UN Attack 7 player EMFH 1:53 am - 2:01 am